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Hope Perseverance Respect Compassion Peace Forgiveness

At Boxted St Peter’s CEVC Primary we are fortunate to have a strong partnership between the school, parents and other members of the local community. The school and the children benefit enormously from the generosity of volunteers who give their time. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers for their commitment to our school.

Who can volunteer?

There are many people who volunteer to support children. Here are some of the volunteers we have had this year:

  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Governors
  • Older children from local secondary schools on work experience
  • Prospective students on pre teacher training observation visits
  • Visiting experts
  • Members of the church community


All visitors to our school receive a ‘Safeguarding Children’ leaflet. Please do read this. It contains information about Child Protection, Health & Safety, First Aid and Fire safety.

Boxted St Peter’s is committed to safeguarding. All volunteers who regularly come into school are required to have a DBS and identity check. They will also be asked to fill in an application form and supply two references. Volunteers will be asked to work in a public space, never alone with children.

Volunteers are not permitted to take photographs of children at any time. Mobile phones must be turned off and kept within a bag at all times. Alternatively, please leave phones with the office staff, who will alert you if it rings.

Supporting trips

Parents often accompany the class on trips; the ratio of adults to children varies across the age range. All our trips and visits have an educational value and support the curriculum in school.

How will I know what to do?

The teacher will brief you at the beginning of the session that you are supporting. This should include information about the activity you are doing and the sorts of questions you should ask. It could also include tips on how to manage the children in your group. If you are going on a trip, you will be given a Risk Assessment which will cover health and safety advice.

If you are in any doubt about what you are doing, please ask!

Signing in

Please sign in at the reception desk on arrival stating the time you arrive. You will be supplied with a badge which you should wear at all times whilst in school. Please remember to sign out on your departure.


Volunteers are asked to avoid discussing staff, children or events experienced in school, outside of school or on any social media.

Volunteer Conduct

We ask that you treat children with respect at all times and interact with them in a kind, positive way. There may be occasions where you feel that children’s behaviour falls below a standard we usually expect at Boxted. If this is ever the case, refer to the teacher or support staff immediately. Do not try to manage the situation yourself.

If a child wishes to hold your hand during a trip, this is acceptable. Please do not take a child’s hand if they are not compliant. At Boxted St Peter’s we permit ‘school hugs’; this is a sideways hug, with the adult putting their hands on the child’s shoulders. ‘Front on’ cuddling is firmly discouraged. If a child requires comfort, please use your voice in a gentle and calm way and then refer to the teacher immediately.