Policies for the school can be found here to download simply click on a link below.
- Anti-bullying(docx)
- Assessment(docx)
- Attendance(pdf)
- Calculation - Addition and Subtraction(pdf)
- Calculation - Multiplication and Division(pdf)
- Charging and Remissions(doc)
- Child Protection - Updated November 2024(docx)
- Complaints including serial and unreasonable complaints (doc)
- Data Protection(docx)
- Dinner Money Debt Recovery(pdf)
- E Safety(pdf)
- Early Years Foundation Stage(pdf)
- Equality Statement and Objectives(doc)
- GDPR Rights Guidance for Parents/ Guardians(pdf)
- Handwriting(doc)
- Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024(pdf)
- Marking and Feedback(docx)
- Medical Needs(doc)
- PHSE(docx)
- Publication Scheme(docx)
- Relationships and Behaviour Policy(pdf)
- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)(pdf)
- Safer Recruitment (doc)
- Statutory Requests For Information(docx)
- Unacceptable and Abusive Behaviour Policy(docx)
- Virtual Teaching & Learning(pdf)