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At Boxted St Peter’s we welcome all children and strive to ensure all special individual needs are met, though bespoke provision. A child has Special Educational Needs if he or she has a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. Arrangements for the admission of pupils with SEN and/or disabilities are according to the school’s admission policy, in line with the Special Needs and Disability Act 2001. To ensure appropriate provision is made:

  • There will be liaison with parents, previous school staff and specialist support staff and where possible any special requirements will be put in place before the pupil attends.
  • Staff training will be undertaken where necessary.
  • Issues arising may be discussed with other pupils to ensure SEN pupils are accepted and supported according to the school’s ethos of valuing every child.

Boxted St Peter’s has been designed and built to provide easy access to all areas of the school, for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities.

Advice and support is received from other specialist/outside agencies. These include the Educational Psychologist, the Speech and Language Therapist, Specialist and Support Teachers and medical specialists including the School Nurse.

SEN pupils are supported in their learning through ‘One Plans’, which document children’s strengths, areas for development and tailored provision, which sometimes includes extra adult support. Resources are allocated to meet the needs of the SEN pupils through individual, small group and ‘hover’ support in class. Individuals and groups are also withdrawn to work on specific areas of need. The Inclusion Leader liaises with class teachers and Learning Support Assistants to ensure children receive appropriate support.

To read more about our commitment to SEN provision click on SEN Information Report below.

SEN-Info-Report May 2024

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