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School Council

Boxted St Peter’s has an active and extremely effective School Council which is involved in many decision making processes and initiatives within our school.  The Council consists of two pupils from each year group, elected by their peers.   They meet on a weekly basis with the Deputy Headteacher and a member of the Governing Body to discuss a wide range of issues, concerns and/or ideas for school improvement.


Head Boy and Head Girl

At the beginning of each academic year, year six children are invited to stand as Head Boy or Girl in our annual elections. Children run their own election campaigns and then present to the whole school, outlining how they will represent the children of Boxted.

On voting day all children visit the Polling station and cast their vote.

Faith Group

Our Faith Group comprises  of children from every year group. They meet once a week to discuss various topical issues. Together, they evaluate Collective Worship and discuss how acts of worship have impacted on their personal lives. They have been a great help with creating murals linked to our Bible stories this year and were very positive about the impact the Prayer Space had that was led by the Christian Youth Outreach team.

Faith Group also lead one act of whole school worship every half term; this might be related to the Christian Value of week, Saint Peter, or exploring the vision 'Let your light shine'. Our School Faith Group is led by Mrs Maggs who is our Foundation Governor and has close connections with our local church.


Sports Council

Once a month the Sports Council meet to discuss forthcoming events, clubs and fixtures. They are instrumental in deciding how sport can improve and develop.


Eco Warriors

Our Eco-Warriors concern themselves with our immediate school environment. They will consider our recycling agenda, energy consumption and wildlife areas.