Early Years Foundation Stage
The Hedgehog Way
Learning in Hedgehogs class is magical. We encourage the children to believe that anything is possible and involve them in the planning and evaluation of their learning. We teach the Early Years curriculum through enquiry questions and use the children's interests to extend their learning through adult interaction and challenges. The children are at the heart of everything we do and we love nurturing their curiosity, feeding their minds and watching them grow. Through using books and rich texts, we aim to spark imagination, explore vocabulary and ultimately give all children a thirst for more. Our expectations are high and we endeavour that all children will keep up and not catch up. This learning provides the building blocks on which our key stage one and key stage two curriculum are built.

Outdoor Learning
At Boxted St Peter’s C of E Primary School we are very lucky to have a large outside area with many learning opportunities. The children enjoy a range of areas including: a mud kitchen, large scale water area, role play, sand and nature area. We also have a soft bike area and a large climbing frame for developing gross motor skills. The children are provided with waterproof suits and wellies so that they can be outside exploring in all weathers.
The Hedgehogs outside area and whole school playground are used to extend learning beyond the classroom. On the school field, children enjoy jumping on the tyres, experimenting with movements on the Trim Trail and exploring in the Wildlife Area. The Hedgehogs class love gardening, growing healthy vegetables and a variety of plants all year round.
In the Summer Term the Hedgehogs class are given the opportunity to visit the local woodland and participate in Forest Schools. During these sessions they have great fun learning how to build dens, create natural crafts and find minibeasts.
Learning Journals
We use Tapestry in Hedgehogs for our online learning journals. This enables home and school to capture and share 'wow moments' using photographs, observations and videos. This builds up a picture of what your child is learning and also what characteristics of effective learning they are demonstrating.

Working Together
In Hedgehogs we understand how important it is that you know your child is safe, loved and happy. We have an open door policy, parent’s evenings, observation uploads, phone calls and meetings, to keep you informed of achievements and answer any questions you may have.
We regularly hold information sessions for Reading, Writing, Maths and Communication and Language, to help you support your child at home and invite family members into school for special events, such as class assemblies, Mothers Day Tea, Diwali celebration afternoons.
Parental support at home makes the world of difference to a child’s progression. We encourage parents to read with their children daily and have a go at other home learning challenges that may be set. Homework is not compulsory; however, any home learning goes a long way towards helping each child achieve their goals and being more confident.
When your child completes an amazing piece of work or has a special experience at home we love for you to share it with the class. Amazing moments are celebrated and placed on the Proud Cloud for everyone to see.
Help me prepare for school
You can help your child to prepare for school by increasing their independence and self-care. Encourage your child to get dressed and undressed by themselves, tackling different fastenings such as zips or buttons. Before starting school encourage your child to independently use the toilet, be able to wash their hands and use cutlery to eat. Additionally, you can help your child to practice recognising and writing their name.
EYFS Curriculum:
Useful websites: